The role of professional communities, the meaning of existence in community, how to maintain a community on long term, challenges and difficulties in community life, small professional joys along community life - these were the topics in focus at the first network meeting of year 2023. 

Pro Educatione organized this small-scale conference in Csíksomlyó, where our guest lecturer was Kati Czirjék, the creator of the ‘Women Entrepreneurs in Transylvania’ social media group.

The first program point was a spiritual one, we participated in holy Mass organized by Caritas Alba Iulia, which was the farewell mass of Saint Mark Chapel in Jakab Antal House. After a joint lunch the group discussed professional issues related to the topic of the meeting. In this workshop, our speaker briefly outlined a theoretical framework, which was Scott Peck’s model of community building. After this the lecturer reflected individually on the difficulties and challenges experienced by network member organizations and shared her own experiences. Topics such as the follow-up in adult education programs, long-term group retain through conscious community building, effective organizational communication, knowledge and practices the non-profit sector can adopt or copy from the for-profit, pricing trainings, barter campaigns in the civil sector, the importance of reserves, tolerable compromises for the realization of precisely formulated and clear goals – were shortly discussed.

In a third program point the general assembly of Pro Educatione discussed issues related to the leadership and management of the association, while concerned the ongoing projects and future activities as well.

We thank participants for sharing their individual and organizational experiences, for asking their questions in forum, and for their contribution to the implementation of the program. 

The costs of this network meeting were covered by the grant we got from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).


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